
“I had some personal issues during my first semester. I didn’t do a lot of the reading and I missed a bunch of classes. My property professor said I should either drop out of law school or repeat the semester because I was going to get an “F” in his class. Thanks to our sessions, I did finish the semester, and I got a B!”
S.S., 1L
University of Houston Law Center
Thank you, Mr. Sullivan! I didn’t think it was possible, but I now understand future interests. I got cold-called in class and handled everything the professor threw at me. My friends were impressed!
Caroline H.
1L at The George Washington University Law School
“I heard about the Sullivan Method from my fiancé who used it to pass the New Jersey bar exam. So, I decided to skip the big-box bar review courses, and I’m glad I did. My friends were overwhelmed and freaking out all summer long, and I wasn’t. What can I say – I passed, and that’s all that matters.”
South Carolina
You made a huge difference in our son’s life. After working with you, he sounded more confident, and that was a huge relief to us. He will be spending this summer working at a firm he really likes.
Mary D.
Parent of 1L at Suffolk University Law School
I thought criminal law was just a matter of common sense. But the statutes they had us read were incomprehensible. Reading them with you made them a whole lot less intimidating.
Carlos E.
1L at University of San Francisco School of Law
“I struggled with the bar exam three times before I found Sullivan Method. What can I say – I not only passed the UBE, I got a 313! I can practice in any UBE state.”
Whitney S.
New York
I thought I understood torts pretty well, but applying it was a different story. The hypotheticals we went over were the best thing I did all semester. Challenging and fun, just as you promised. I not only knew the law on the final exam, I applied it and discussed it in a way that the professor liked.
Heather W.
1L at St. John's University School of Law
You’re a life saver! My Contracts professor seemed to talk in circles and qualified everything she said with another qualifying comment. I was lost. Your common-sense explanations brought it all down to earth. It got a lot easier to understand my professor, and my friends usually asked me to translate after each class.
William T.
1L at Creighton University School of Law
“I switched to the UBE after not passing the Florida bar exam. The Sullivan Method bar prep materials were so clear I could actually see my progress in my practice test scores. I got a 299 – what a relief!”
Danielle R.
Washington, DC
As a foreign student (LL.M.), I really needed help understanding the US legal system. You knew all the key cases and showed me how and why they are important.
Jorge M.
Georgetown University Law Center
I got an A- on my Constitutional law final! You really opened my eyes up to things I wouldn’t have thought of.
Jonathan B.
1L at Touro Law Center
Our sessions really made Federal Civil Procedure come alive. Before I called you I thought I was doomed. I got a B+ on the final. Thank you!
Tucker A.
1L at Washington College of Law of American University
I so glad I found your website! I felt so confused the first week [of law school], I didn’t know what to do. It was just so good to talk to someone, and you were so kind and supportive. You got me past my self-doubt, and I’m proud of my first-semester grades.
Tammy F.
1L at UF Fredric G. Levin College of Law