It’s actually a great idea!   Your first-year grades are the most important factor in the trajectory of your career.  So, a small investment in coaching will pay off in the future.  And, maybe you don’t feel comfortable asking questions in front of the whole class.  You can ask me anything, and I will make it clear.  This will greatly reduce the stress you feel during law school.  It will also set you up for success in all of your classes after your first year.  My tutorials will show you how to read cases and codes, and how to think like a lawyer.

This really depends on what you need help with.  We cover anything that concerns you in law school.  We can discuss cases that you been assigned, how to prepare an outline, etc.  Most importantly, we discuss the law, and I listen very carefully to make sure that you really grasp the concepts at the heart of each case. 


Many clients say their favorite part of each session is where we analyze and discuss challenging hypotheticals.  In fact, there is no better way to develop your analytical skills.  You’ll walk into your final exams ready for anything that comes your way!

Each session is one-hour long.  If you would like to schedule two sessions in a row, that can usually be accommodated.

Sure!  Groups of up to three (3) people are welcome.

I have been giving private tutorials to law students since 1990.  I have written study materials for all the first-year subjects and many second year subjects.

It depends on how many hours you sign up for.  The costs are set forth on the Law School Tutorials page. Discounts are available for students who sign up for 10, 20, or 40 hours of tutoring.

Sullivan Method accepts American Express, MasterCard, Discover and VISA.

Sullivan Method also allows you to finance all or part of your payments with Affirm. This allows you to create easy, fixed monthly payments over 3, 6 or 12 months.

The interest rate (0-30% APR) and term options (3, 6 or 12 months) you are offered is based on the tuition type you are choosing and on a credit check. You can check your eligibility during enrollment and it will not impact your credit score – provide some basic information and get a real-time decision to split your purchase into 3, 6, or 12 monthly payments at 0-30% APR.

Learn more about Financing with Affirm.

Yes – your very own coach!

Sullivan Method knows that preparing for the bar exam is an all-consuming task. A little guidance from an expert goes a long, long way and leads to success.

First, you will fill out a profile questionnaire so that your coach has a good understanding of your situation before you start the program.

At the end of each week, you will check in with your coach to discuss your progress and performance.

If you have any questions about the process, ask your coach. If you have any questions about your schedule, ask your coach. You’re not on your own with Sullivan Method! Your coach wants to know how you performed on the practice MBE questions, what you learned from the assigned essays, and any questions you have about the substantive materials.

You can ask you coach any question you like, as long as it is based on the Sullivan Method materials. If you need an example of something in the substantive books or if something needs clarification, your coach probably has the answer at their fingertips. If the answer to an MBE question or an essay is not clear, your coach will clarify it for you. Don’t spend time mired in confusion – ask your coach!

Your coach will grade 8 Essays and 3 MPTs. They will produce an in-depth memorandum for each essay and MPT you write, with a focus on the style and substance of each one. You will get praise for what you did well and receive constructive criticism about how to perform better on subsequent assignments. You will see your improvement as the course progresses and develop the skills you need to succeed on the exam.

Unlike other bar review courses, your essays and MPTs will be graded by the same person – your dedicated coach. This enables them to evaluate your progress and make sure you stay on track.

There are two essential differences. First, the materials are presented in Question & Answer format to foster active learning because active learning works. Simply reading an outline involves passive learning. If you read an outline, it will probably make sense to you. But will you be able to articulate the law clearly when you need it? Maybe. But, if you can answer the questions in the Sullivan Method study materials, there is no doubt that you are ready to take the bar exam.

The second essential difference is that the books are strategic. The volume of information you have to master for the bar exam is tremendous. But, it also means that the bar examiners must meet you half-way. The Sullivan Method study materials reflect what is needed to comfortably pass the exam, not every legal concept under the sun. The materials present the “sweet spot” of what you must know to pass without overwhelming you with unnecessary minutiae.

The Sullivan Method essay testing book contains 112 released MEE essays. Your study schedule is designed so that you write or outline essays in every subject.

Sullivan Method provides over 1,400 practice MBE questions with crystal clear answers. The vast majority are questions that have been released by the NCBE, while others have been created by a Sullivan Method MBE expert.

Sullivan Method provides 13 MPTs with realistic model answers. For most people, this is more than enough. More are available upon request.

Yes. The average day requires 7 hours of effort, sometime a little more, sometimes a little bit less. A detailed study schedule lists the tasks to be completed each day, e.g., study a particular subject, do a set of MBE questions, write a MPT, etc. Most days involve 3 to 6 different tasks. The length of each task varies between .5 hours and 2.5 hours. You can do these in any order you like.

You will receive your schedule approximately one week before the course starts.

The Sullivan Method course for the July 2024 exam begins on May 19, 2024.  For the February 2025 exam, the course starts on December 14, 2024.

Of course! In fact, we encourage it. This is especially true if there are any subjects on the UBE that you did not have in law school. As soon as you enroll, you will receive the substantive materials (books & audio). These will arrive 5 – 7 business days later. The testing materials will be provided shortly before the course starts.

We know that the unexpected can happen. So, if you need to defer, please let us know immediately. You can defer for up to one year from your original date of enrollment at no additional cost.

You can cancel your enrollment at any time before you have received the Sullivan Method course materials.

Payment for the Summer Sullivan Method program must be paid in full or have qualified for financing by May 12. Balances for the Winter Sullivan Method program must be paid in full or have qualified for financing by December 1st.

Sullivan Method accepts American Express, MasterCard, Discover and VISA.

Sullivan Method also allows you to finance all or part of your tuition with Affirm. This allows you to create easy, fixed monthly payments over 3, 6 or 12 months.

The interest rate (0-30% APR) and term options (3, 6 or 12 months) you are offered is based on the tuition type you are choosing and on a credit check. You can check your eligibility during enrollment and it will not impact your credit score – provide some basic information and get a real-time decision to split your purchase into 3, 6, or 12 monthly payments at 0-30% APR.

Learn more about Financing with Affirm.

Yes – we have had clients all over the world. The only extra fee will be the cost of shipping the Sullivan Method books to you.

Yes. Please put us in contact with the person at your firm who handles this matter, and we’ll take it from there. Sullivan Method will directly bill your law firm for your bar review course.

If you do not succeed on the UBE after you have completed the Sullivan Method course, and completed all scheduled assignments, you may repeat the course the next time the bar exam is administered in your jurisdiction. The cost of repeating the course is 50% of the cost of your original Sullivan Method course.

Sullivan Method aims to provide the most personalized bar review experience possible. We look forward to being able to prepare a greater number of clients as we add members to our highly trained staff. But for now, 25 clients is our capacity.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

We meet when it is convenient for you to meet!  Tutorial sessions can be scheduled mornings, afternoons, and evenings, on any day of the week.

In the post-COVID world, remote meetings have become commonplace.  So, whether you are near or far we can meet via video. For clients in the Washington, DC area we can meet in person if you prefer.

I take each client’s unique profile into account when I develop the study schedule.  Factors I consider are whether or not you took a subject that appears on the bar exam, what section(s) of the exam are of greatest concern to you, and how much time you have each day to study.  Any other unique characteristics of your situation (e.g., ESL, learning disability, anxiety, etc.) are taken into account.  The schedules are made on a weekly basis so that we can direct our efforts where they are most needed and make adjustments as we proceed.

Generally, we “front load” studying and “back load” testing.  In other words, our early sessions are dedicated to making sure that you understand the law and are able to clearly articulate essential concepts.  As we progress, the schedules have involve more testing so these sessions are devoted to reviewing the practice essays and MPT that you write.

My philosophy is that sooner beats later.  It is always a good idea to put time on your side.  For the February bar exam, most people begin tutoring in late October or early November.  For the July bar exam, most people begin tutoring in late April or early May.  This allows us to have 10 sessions together.

Most clients for the UBE submit between 50 and 90 essays for grading.  I grade each one, and provide extensive feedback about how to increase your scores.  You get to write essays in every subject!  Most importantly, you get insight into how to write an effective UBE essay.

Most clients write between 5 and 8 MPTs.  I analyze each one and provide comments about how to best manage your time and maximize your score.

Your performance on the MBE is critical since it counts for half of your score in most states.  I have a method that tracks your performance in each subject, and we devote resources to where they are most needed.   These are proprietary materials and are available only to clients of the Sullivan Method.

I usually work with approximately 12 clients before each administration of the UBE.  If you think you might be interested in working together, please contact me as soon as possible at 202 627-0961 or barman@SullivanBar.com.

I have prepared law graduates to take and pass the bar exam since 1990 – over 900 people!  I have written study materials on all the UBE subjects, and I have produced testing materials for each section of the exam: MBE, MEE, and MPT.  On countless occasions my clients have said that The Sullivan Method study materials are shorter and clearer than other bar review study materials.  The Sullivan Method testing materials use released questions from the NCBE.  The answers I have drafted are as clear as possible and reinforce the concepts in the study materials.