5 Truths to Life After the Bar Exam

Woman thinking about bar exam

Welcome to the vast unknown of life after the bar exam. After spending the last few months studying for the bar exam — it is finally over! While most people expect to feel relieved after the exam, there are many other emotions that come after taking the bar exam. Here are 5 truths to life after the bar exam to help you through this confusing time. 

  1. You may feel a little bit let down.  After all, you know more about law on the day you take the bar than on any other day of your life.  You still have all that knowledge, and you don’t know what to do with it.  Feeling let down or bewildered is perfectly normal.  At the very least, realize that everyone who just took the exam feels the same way.

  2. Your fate is in the hands of the bar examiners now.  But, remember, they have to pass someone!  In fact, they will pass THOUSANDS of people – why not you?!  Remind yourself of this, and remember all the hard work you put in.  Have no doubt that your exam answers reflected this effort.

  3. It’s time to restore yourself!  Socialize as much as you can, eat well, and take vitamins.  A little bit of exercise can be a good thing, too.

  4. You need to rest.  So, if you feel like doing nothing, do it.  You’re sure to start feeling like yourself in a few weeks.  Don’t rush it.   A lot of people say that the bar exam was the biggest undertaking of their life.  It’s like you just finished an Olympic decathlon.  You are entitled to have some time to recharge your batteries.

  5. Try not to think about the exam.  Ok, this is an impossible task.  But, try not to re-hash the exam questions in your mind.  When you catch yourself doing this, try to stop.  Your memory is going to play tricks on you (mine did, and lots of other people say the same thing.)  Don’t let it!

Life after taking the bar exam can be relaxing and enjoyable. Use these tips to navigate this time between taking the bar exam and receiving your results.


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