Day: April 15, 2023

Why Law Tutoring is Worth the Investment – No Matter What Year

You’ve heard the old expression “It’s an investment, not an expense.”  Sure, both cost money, but they couldn’t be more different.  An expense is something like rent.  Sure, you get a roof over your head, but at the end of the year, you don’t have anything to show for it.  An investment is much different.  Educational expenses, like law school, are investments.  People with more education generally command greater salaries.  And, the cost is the same for most people, not only in terms of money, but in terms of the years of your life you spend pursuing a degree, and the effort that it involves.  The person who graduates at the top of their class pays the same tuition as the person who finishes dead last, and everyone in between. 

Uneven Playing Field in Law School

Let me put it bluntly: the playing field is not even in law school.  It is heavily tilted in favor of some people.  It helps to come from a family where everyone is a lawyer.  But many schools perpetuate this myth and have their students sign a pledge that they will not engage with outside help!  Ultimately, your greatest responsibility is to perform your best.  You can read hornbooks, study guides, websites, etc.  But, a lot of time you can’t find the answers you’re looking for because you are so confused you don’t really know how to formulate a question!  Legal analysis and reasoning is something you have probably not seen before.  A little guidance from an experienced tutor can make all the difference.

The Case Method and its Challenges for 1L Students

Your 1L nemesis is something called “the case method” of legal instruction. It was introduced at Harvard around 1890 by a guy named Christopher Columbus Langdell.*  The theory behind “the case method” is that you learn the law by reading judicial opinions.  You will most likely find this challenging since you don’t really understand the law on which the opinion is based.  This is like teaching you how to fly an airplane by putting you at the controls and saying “good luck.”  As a result, many 1L students are overwhelmed, confused, stressed-out insomniacs who dread the exams that await them.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

How Can Law Tutoring Help in Law School?

Law school can be a fascinating learning experience IF you go about it the right way.  A good tutor can cut through the fog of the concepts you’re studying and the cases you are reading.  A good tutor can provide context and vivid examples of how the legal principles you are studying operate in concrete situations.  This is what I do, and nothing beats the feeling I get when I hear that a client has earned an outstanding grade.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Today to Succeed in Law School

It is up to you to protect your investment.  A law degree at a private institution now costs close to $300,000!  The right tutor can maximize your performance, and this will lead to better grades.  As you know, better grades = better opportunities, a better job, a higher salary, etc.

If you are ready to succeed in law school schedule a free consultation today to discover how my interactive law tutoring will help you reach your professional goals.

* Langdell wasn’t all bad.  He also invented blind grading so students from prominent families wouldn’t have an advantage over their classmates!